The Tournament Team Matcher

Solo players can now choose to get matched with other free agents when joining a team tournament.

Philip Skogsberg
Published in
2 min readSep 9, 2020


The Team Matcher is built into the already existing system to add no extra steps for the player.

A few weeks ago, we rolled out the “Team Matcher” on Challengermode. It’s a system that automatically matches you with the other solo players in a team tournament. It means that if you’re a solo player or don’t have a full team to play with right now, you can still join a team tournament without needing a pre-made team on Challengermode!

It’s really easy to use. As a player, we’ll match you up with other solo players and parties that also signed up for the tournament during a window of about 15 minutes until right before the start of the tournament. All you have to do is to join solo, indicate that you want to get matched up with other players, and wait for the magic to happen.

Here’s how it works:

  • Find a tournament that you like
  • Select join solo or join with party
  • Select match me
  • Wait for our system to match you with other free agents
You can choose to allow free agents when creating any team competition in your Space.

For organizers, we added a simple toggle switch under team settings in the tournament wizard. By allowing free agents, you are inviting everyone in your community to compete regardless of whether they have a pre-made team on Challengermode or not.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us via the support chat on-site if you have any questions and good luck.

/The Challengermode Product Team



Co-founder & COO @Challengermode. Trying to think better thoughts, some of which appear on my newsletter: