Introducing the Tiered Ranking System

Philip Skogsberg


Challengermode Ranking System for esports tournaments.

Tiers of skill for Challengermode competitions

We recently introduced our “Tiers” which are divisions/segments that roughly represent a range of skill for a player in a specific game. Over the coming months this system will become an important part of how you play on Challengermode.

A common problem for some players in the lower skill ranges has been that they don’t stand much of a chance against more skilled opponents. With the ranking system, we can provide fairer tournaments by restricting them to specific skill ranges (Tiers). This means that a team or player in Tier 1 will get to compete against other Tier 1 players, increasing their chances of winning.

Another motivation was to give players that invest their time and play frequently on Challengermode the best possible experience and a return on their investment — so to speak. With the Tiers system, we can provide “Ranked Tournaments” with bigger prize pools that will be available only to players that have received their Tier placement.

Getting a rank is meant to be one step in the right direction for your esports career or goals as a gamer — and to give you a better tournament experience on Challengermode.

How it works

The current Tiers on Challengermode.

At first your game accounts will have the label “unranked” next to them. To get your rank and Tier placement, play 5 games on Challengermode.

The more you play and the more people you play against, the better the skill rating will get. So don’t get dismayed if you think the Tier doesn’t accurately reflect your “real” skill level, you’ll likely rank up quickly again after a few more games and tournaments!

The skill range is calculated based on games played on Challengermode (e.g. in a tournament) and relative to other players on Challengermode. It uses a proprietary elo-like system to estimate skill levels.

There are currently 5 Tiers in both LoL and CS:GO, but more Tiers may be added later. Tier 1 is the lowest and Tier 5 is the highest. The Tiers are designated by Roman numerals (I, II, III, IV, V = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

Happy gaming!



Co-founder & COO @Challengermode. Trying to think better thoughts, some of which appear on my newsletter: