Content Creation for Streamers and Tournament Organizers

Rae ☀️


Whether you’re a streamer of any size or a tournament organizer with an eye for content, you probably have already heard something about the important role great content plays in promoting yourself or your competitions.

Major stream-supporting platforms, such as Streamlabs, Streamscheme, Kapwing, and more, list creating content for other platforms as a key strategy to growing your community.

Additionally, many popular twitch streamers download and repurpose their streams to take their content to their audiences — Just check out this blog post by Mack Collier who breaks down how NickMercs takes his streams, creates highlight reels, and gets 300–400k views in the first 24 hours!

Research by Wyzowl states that 87% of creators reported that short-form video has been the most powerful format helping their platforms. That’s worlds away from a mere 33% reported in 2015.

Wherever you look, the advice to be on every platform is overwhelming. It is clear content is the way to find your audience, but even after all the statistics, you may still be wondering… Is it possible for a small or growing creator to plan tournaments, moderate their communities, stream long hours and create content for Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and YouTube? Is it even worth it?

Setting numbers aside, the reality of managing tournament operations, broadcast, and post-production can be a lot for one person to handle.

That’s why we’re working actively to broaden our offering of tools and services that can help you scale up your content efforts and cut costs.

The truth is, it is a lot! But there are ways you can lessen your load, automate and reap the benefits of a content strategy.

We have partnered with Epidemic Sound this month to bring you an ongoing deal for tools that can make your creation process a breeze.

Epidemic Sound has over 30,000 tracks, with 500 new ones added monthly. They have every genre, including an e-sports album we curated specially for you! The power of using a service like this is that you don’t need to comb through thousands of junk songs on free libraries or worry about the songs later becoming copyrighted and taking away AdSense.

You can create epic highlights, videos, and tiktoks with ease and count on the quality and addictiveness of the tunes you use.

Use our code CM50 at checkout to get 2 months of Epidemic Sound Premium, and then 50% forever!

We also want to reintroduce our partner Reely to you, the best way to automate the creation of your short-form highlight reels.

Reely’s AI platform analyzes live streaming (and VOD) content in real-time and programmatically generates and distributes fully-branded short-form highlight reels.

Having already analyzed more competitive games than any other company in the industry, Reely is the tool you should be using to grow your competitive gaming niche community!

You can check them out here, it’s free!

Content is most certainly the most powerful tool to grow a community without too much start-up capital today. We want all our organizers and creators to be able to leverage its power to achieve their dream Spaces.



global citizen who loves empowering human-centred, *nonlinear* lifestyles // productivity & personal dev // polyglot, creator, coach & chronic illness warrior